DG Tahir graced the Management Committee Meeting and Awarding of the Cotabato City School Division Office (CCSDO) as a guest speaker. – August 17, 2023

ctto: Rerref Chie

In his address, he reiterated a fundamental principle of MBHTE — that Bangsamoro Education should be responsive to the needs, ideas, and aspirations of the Bangsamoro people. He further emphasized that this commitment extends not only to a select few but to all individuals within the Bangsamoro government. He also underscored the distinctive nature of the Educational System in Bangsamoro, which unifies four subsectors under the Ministry of Basic, Higher, and Technical Education.

ctto: Rerref Chie

DG Tahir expressed his sincere gratitude to the Cotabato City School Division for affording him the opportunity to participate in this significant occasion. He concluded by affirming his enduring delight in contributing to the programs of the SDO of Cotabato City.